Diamond Discovery Hub

What is the Diamond Discovery Hub?

The Diamond Discovery Hub (DDH) will be a comprehensive registry of institutionally published and scholar-led Open Access Journals in Europe. It will be implemented as a responsive and WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) compliant website with a SEO friendly UI. It will be scalable as well as easy to maintain and extend in the future. The DDH will be a service that provides Diamond journals’ data curated by an editorial team.

What does Diamond Discovery Hub achieve?

The DDH will operationalise the concept of “Diamond Open Access” through comprehensive parameters and functionalities for data collections. It will make visible new facets of diamond publishing, such as governance and mission. The DDH will strengthen Diamond Open Access publishing of journals from the public and/or institutional sector, owned and operated from within academia or researchers. It will display the largest possible set of diamond journals to be used by stakeholders. Readers & authors, Research Performing Organisations and funders can assess the nature of Diamond Open Access journals and their publishers. Diamond Open Access journals become visible within a larger collection of institutional journals highlighting the diamond model. Publishing and Institutional Service Providers can help their journals get their data aligned, improved and harmonized for broader dissemination, thus reaching recognition for their diamond effort. Aggregators can reuse the index to retrieve diamond journals’ data compliant with their requirements. DDH will also provide a trusted observatory of diamond publishing channels for policy making and further improvement of the publishing sector.