The publishing landscape for Open Access journals in Europe is highly diverse. However, often scattered among various organisations and institutions, many of these publishing services struggle to reach the necessary professionalisation and maturity levels required in state-of-the-art Open Access publishing. CRAFT-OA (Creating a Robust Accessible Federated Technology for Open Access) aims to change that. The project’s target is to make the Open Access landscape more resilient by centralising expertise, collaboration and a joint visibility/indexing layer.
Learn more about the project, and its objectives and become part of our community!

Our Goals

The project focuses on four threads of activities
to improve the technical and organisational infrastructure of Diamond OA.


technical improvements for journal platforms and journal software.


communities of practice to foster overall infrastructure improvement.


visibility, discoverability and recognition for Diamond OA publishing.


Diamond OA publishing with EOSC and other large-scale data aggregators.


  • PKP Turin 2024 Sprint notes
    Good news for everyone interested in the activities and results of the PKP Turin 2024 Sprint: PKP has published the report on the Sprint. Find the report here.
  • CRAFT-OA welcomes the Barcelona Declaration
    In today’s academic landscape, the heavy reliance on closed infrastructures impacts the transparency and accessibility of scientific information. Despite efforts to monitor and incentivise open science, much of this work uses closed data systems that typically have low levels of data sovereignty and carry the risk of path dependencies. This practice often leads to biased… Read more: CRAFT-OA welcomes the Barcelona Declaration
  • Reusable Curriculum for Upskilling Training available as Gitbook!
    CRAFT-OA deliverable 2.2 “Reusable Curriculum for Upskilling Training” is now available as a Gitbook! Learn more on how to organise upskilling trainings here!
  • Operational Diamond OA criteria for journals released
    The DIAMAS and CRAFT-OA projects are happy to present their operational criteria for selecting Diamond OA journals to the community. This set of criteria has been issued to facilitate the identification of Diamond OA journals within the projects’ framework and services. Learn more here.
  • Save the Date: 8-11 October 2024
    CRAFT-OA is happy to announce the dates for the PKP Sprint organised by CRAFT-OA and the CRAFT-OA Tech Event.  Both events will take place in the same location in Turin, Italy. More information will be available soon.


Work With Us

CRAFT-OA is a project from the OA community for the OA community. Engage with CRAFT-OA, shape the future of publishing and join the CRAFT-OA Tech Event & the PKP Sprint!

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