OJS Diamond Plugins

What are OJS Diamond Plugins?

As one of CRAFT-OA’s goals is to make the Open Access landscape more resilient, this KER aims to address interoperability between different publishing frameworks to better aggregate metadata, align publishing with the EOSC Interoperability Framework on Research Product Publishing, and gather feedback from the EOSC catalogue – all to make Diamond Open Access journals more visible and their editors’ daily work more effective. 
Five OJS plugins are to be implemented during the project:
1. OJS connector for OpenAIRE Research Graph (update of the existing OJS plugin for exporting publication metadata according to the OpenAIRE guidelines);
2. OJS plugin for the EOSC Interoperability Framework on Research Product Publishing (the plugin will implement the alignment with the EOSC Interoperability Framework on Research Product Publishing currently being defined by one of the EOSC Future Working Groups);
3. OJS plugins for integrating feedback from the EOSC Catalogue (the plugin will allow the integration of proposals from the EOSC Research Product Catalogue into the local OJS systems via the OpenAIRE Broker Service);
4. OJS Visibility Pathfinder plugin (a system of visual badges to help editors showcase the strength of their journals); and
5. Plugins for OJS and Lodel Interoperability based on XML (Interoperability between publishing frameworks will be addressed on a modular basis and interfaces for metadata exchange will be developed in both OJS and Lodel using JATS and TEI standards. Janeway will be involved and documentation will be published for reuse.)

For all five plugins, the documentation and a full description will be produced to ensure that the results are transferable to other systems and can be used by those developing other systems.

What do OJS Diamond Plugins achieve?

The objective of OJS Diamond Plugins is to increase the visibility of the journals and to make it easier for the editors to do their job. Diamond Open Access journals are often perceived as being less prestigious and less professional, often simply because they are not as visible and are not indexed in as many different databases. However, the content in these journals is of the highest quality. The development of OJS plugins in this project aims to contribute to the professionalization of Diamond OA journals.