CRAFT-OA 2024 Summer School for Journal Editors
Designed for editors proficient in Open Journal Systems (OJS), this program offers basic as well as advanced training to refine editorial skills and elevate the standards of Diamond Open Access publishing. Participants will delve into diverse aspects of OJS, gain insights into alternative journal management systems, and engage in meaningful discussions regarding the broader landscape of Diamond OA publishing.
Connect with peers, share expertise, and explore collaborative opportunities to advance the field of scholarly communication.
This summer school is organised as part of the CRAFT-OA project. CRAFT-OA is an EU-funded project that aims to make state-of-the-art Open Access publishing available to everyone. Running from January 2023 to December 2025 the project helps editors and publishers by improving the technical and organisational infrastructure of Diamond Open Access.
Register here.
Find the programme here.
If you have questions concerning the summer school, get in touch with CRAFT-OA team member Martina Dvořáková.
Date & Place
May 27th – June 1st 2024
Masaryk University Center in Telč, Czech Republic
Telč is a beautiful city in the heart of Central Europe, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Who can participate?
Are you a journal editor looking to automate your workflow? Are you considering the use of OJS or any other journal management system? Or are you currently using OJS for your journal, but would like to improve your journal presentation / work efficiency / automated tasks? This summer school may be able to help you with your next steps towards a more professional academic journal.
The main focus of the programme is OJS by PKP as the most widely used open source journal management system. However, other systems will also be presented. We will be talking about standards in publishing, the peer review process, indexing & databases, web accessibility, multilingualism, metadata enhancement and other important topics. We will have workshops on editorial workflow, themes and appearance in OJS, and XML publishing. The idea of a “living handbook” will be presented, shared and worked on with participants as a “red thread” throughout the programme.
A detailed programme is available here.
Living Handbook
The Living Handbook is a tool under development within the CRAFT-OA project. It will dynamically provide user-specific project results on standards, policies, resources and skills requirements for the operation of institutional journal publishing for communities of practice. Its concept is intended to be tested and improved in cooperation with you during the summer school. Give us community feedback on which materials will support you in setting up and maintaining your journal(s) technically and organizationally according to the Diamond Open Access publishing standards, and help us shape the Living Handbook as a sustainable documentation that is helpful for you.
How much does it cost?
The five-day intensive training course with experts in journal management systems is completely free of charge for you as it is organised within the EU-funded CRAFT-OA project. All you have to do is cover your own travel and accommodation costs.
Christian Ulrik Andersen (APRJA – A Peer-Reviewed Journal About)
Clara Armengou (DOAJ)
Margo Bargheer (SUB Göttingen)
Lenka Dědková (Cyberpsychology)
Radek Gomola (Masaryk University Press)
Maxim Kupreyev (OPERAS Research Infrastructure)
Jiří Marek (EOSC-CZ Secretariat)
Isabella Meinecke (Hamburg State and University Library)
Kasper Ostrowski (School of Communication and Culture – Department of Digital Design and Information Studies, Aarhus University)
Dulip Withanage (TIB – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Technik und Naturwissenschaften und Universitätsbibliothek)
How to get there
To reach Telč, you will first need to get to Prague or Brno (easily reachable from Vienna). Then you can go by bus or train, please find your best option in IDOS: https://idos.idnes.cz/en/vlakyautobusymhdvse/spojeni/.
Where to stay
- Masaryk University Centre Accomodation
If you are on a budget, we can offer you 10 basic three-bed rooms. The price is 32 EUR per night if you wish to stay alone in the room. In case two or three people in one room, the price is 20 EUR per person per night.
- Hotels and private accommodation in Telč
There are a lot of hotels and private apartments in Telč. The prices vary from 40 to 200 EUR per person per night. You can easily find your best option via booking.com, but these are our recommendations:
During the Summer School, an excursion will be organised to the city of Brno. There, you can just enjoy the atmosphere of the beautiful student city or you can visit the world famous Villa Tugendhat.