In this hands-on, in person workshop, journal editors learn how to overcome challenges in creating metadata, full-text content, and references in the machine-readable JATS XML format.
Hosted by SRCE (University of Zagreb University Computing Centre), the workshops are conducted in Croatian and primarily designed for, but not limited to, editors of journals published on HRČAK – Portal of Croatian Scientific and Professional Journals.
Participants gain practical skills to edit and prepare DOCX files for seamless and efficient automatic conversion to JATS XML using either the integrated converter in the HRČAK administrative interface or the stand-alone JATS XML Converter Service, an online tool accessible to editors of European open access journals electronic identity included in the global authentication and authorization system eduGAIN.
For more information about the JATS XML Converter Service, visit the official website, OPERAS Innovation Lab, or explore the demo here.
To learn more about the service, contact the HRČAK team at
Check out insights from the previous workshop here.